20241210 【修学旅行:4日目②】旅行団はホテルを出発して、1~3組は首里城⇒ウミカジテラスの順に、4~6組はウミカジテラス⇒首里城の順にそれぞれ移動しました。
瀬長島ウミカジテラスとは、瀬長島西海岸に隣接した傾斜地に展開するリゾート施設で2015年夏に誕生。 沖縄ならではの果物・野菜、地産メニューを中心にしたグルメ・スイーツ、セレクトショップ、アイスバーなど、ここにしかない個性あふれるお店が絶好のロケーションと融合する、沖縄の新しい観光・ショッピングスポットです。
20241121 As a follow-up to the November 7th special DX High School lesson held during Open Campus, the second year students in the Medical Course and the Science/Mathematics Course had the chance to print out the images they created using the Adventurer 5M Pro 3D printers. Groups made presentations regarding their successes and failures this time, as well as about their future endeavours through the DX High School lessons.
This is the future I dreamed of as a kid! It's really here!
20241203 Members of the PTA and KHS staff members took part in a Manner-up Campaign to educate students on traffic rules for bicycles and bicycle safety, as well as to encourage students to wear helmets when riding bicycles. In accidents involving bicycles, the probability of a fatality increases more than two-fold for those not wearing helmets!
Let's ride carefully and stay safe by obeying the rules and wearing our helmets!
20241107 On Friday the 7th, there was a special DX High School lesson during Open Campus. Second year students in the Medical Course and the Science/Mathematics Course learned how to create 3D images from two dimensional images. Later, they'll have a chance to print out their 3D images using the recently-acquired 3D printers. This is the stuff of dreams!
20241101 Can't go to the "Gochisou! Zeppin Umaimon Koshien!" Finals? That's okay! The November 3rd finals are going to be streamed LIVE starting at 10:10. Copy and paste the link below in your browser, and join the KHS team as they go up against the other competitors at the Tokyo venue.
20241024 DX High School Online Lesson
オンライン授業の様子は こちら (鹿島ブログ)
20241028 Three KHS students competed in the finals of the "Gochisou! Zeppin Umaimon Koshien!" They will represent the Kanto Koshinetsu area in the final competition to be held November 3, in Tokyo. They will be taking their three different types of burgers made with ingredients from the prefecture to the competition: the Japanese-style Amakara Vegetable Burger, the Uma-Uma Sweet Burger, and the Sappari Mito Ume Burger. The burgers are made from eringi mushrooms and lotus root from Kashima, sweet potatoes from Kashima and Hokota, and ume from Mito. The burgers are intended to make people feel as if they are traveling throughout the prefecture.
A total of 218 teams from 73 schools around the country entered the preliminary competition, and after screening, teams were selected to compete in seven areas throughout Japan. The KHS team and one other team were selected to represent the Kanto Koshinetsu area, where initially 39 teams from 13 schools participated. See link below for f...
20241024 Second year 1st and 2nd classes took part in their first DX (Digital Transformation) High School online lesson, which was also the first in a series of four lessons where students will learn how to use AI intelligently, as well as how to use our new FLASHFORGE Adventurer 5M PRO 3D printer. Students were extremely interested in learning about both the possibilities and the limitations of AI. The DX High School Program rings in an exciting new era for KHS, one more step into the future.
20241023 A fire drill was held this afternoon. Firefighters came to give a lecture on fire safety, and emergency procedures in the case of fires. Selected students came down the escape chutes to show how safe the chutes are, even in strong winds. Other students participated in demonstrating the use of fire extinguishers. However, they could only douse traffic cones, as real flames would have been dangerous in the strong winds.
A big thank you to the local firefighters and volunteers who took part in today's event.
20241016 「鹿島プレ・カレッジ」の取り組みで、筑波大学システム情報系の吉瀬章子教授を講師にお迎えして、ビデオ会議デバイスを活用したオンラインでの遠隔授業「数理最適化と未来社会工学」を行いました。
20241016 本日5・6時間目に、令和6年度県立高校等チャレンジ・プロジェクトの一環として、鹿島プレ・カレッジが実施されました。生徒の進路決定や選択肢を広げる場として、大学・専門学校等から講師の先生方をお招きし、18の分野に分かれて講義をしていただきました。対象は2年次生徒全員で、今回は附属中の3年生徒も参加しました。
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E-mail koho@kashima-h.ibk.ed.jp
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E-mail koho@kashima-h.ibk.ed.jp